Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snooooow Daaaayy!

On Wednesdays and Fridays, I am off work and free to pursue whatever my little heart desires. As I said earlier today, it snowed last night, so Mick and I ventured out to take some pretty snowy pictures.

It was also time for a Mickdog photoshoot as I have not taken many pictures of him lately. He is my furry son and means the world to me (I could go on regarding my devotion to my boy and maybe I will later) and so I am remiss for not taking more sweet, candid photos. I righted the situation this morning by taking no less than 20 action shots.

Here are the highlights of Mick/our walk together:

This is what happens when you walk a hound dog. You sniff and sniff and sniff.

Me and my main man, little sweetheart and best pal. I love my dog!

On a side note, can anyone tell me why my pics sometimes post with giant spaces between them? What gives?


  1. Quick! Somebody save that garden gnome!

  2. I know, he's going to be snowed over this weekend! We'll have to tunnel him out!

  3. Wow, he has a striking resemblance to my friend's dog, Marlo. Maybe they're long lost eighth cousins or something. So cute.

    My condolences to the gnome.

  4. His color combination seems to be very common. There are a million dogs who look similar to him. So much so I sometimes lose him at the park. But in terms of personality, there's only Mick!
