Some days I think I should not work and focus solely on going back to school so I can begin fulfilling some of those big dreams and aspirations that I have. Unfortunately, aspirations don't pay off the car loan. And as my car is currently running on its 8th or 9th car life, I must work to pay off the car loan.

Now, we certainly cannot forget my most favorite office supply fetish:
Don't call the men in the white coats yet, I have my reasons. You can use a post-it note for so many things: reminder notes, status updates on ongoing projects, wallpaper for ze cube and tabs in my great big, full of crap folders. I've also found them excellent ways to send incognito funny messages to co-workers. Imagine getting an important-looking file on your desk, opening and finding a neon orange post-it note with the words "Twerk it." It might just brighten up your day!
Also, guess what people who call your insurance company in a fury about something but never read their mail - READ YOUR MAIL. AND, don't sign anything without reading it...EVER! If everyone did this, my working life would be so much easier. No one would call me losing their minds because they got a $2 scheduled increase in their premiums, which they received notice on and agreed to. Oy vey. That's all I can say about it.
Moving on from all that unpleasantness. Today is my Friday :)
omg, i love Post-It's too! sorry about all the unpleasantness, but happy friday for you! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday...
ReplyDeleteI love the movie Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
Every time I think of post-its, that's what comes to mind. Weird, huh?
Haha... I totally thought of Romie and Michelle's High School Reunion, too- but who can blaim them for making the post-it their claim to fame. They're worth it!
ReplyDeleteOMG... I LOVED my office job b/c EVERYTIME we got new supplies it was like CHRISTMAS! All of the girls got so excited.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, check out this picture:
The girls (and their post-its) wrote me a note for Peru and I just happened to open it today!
HOLY CARP! (not a typo, btw) I totally am feeling your "Currently I work in an insurance office. It's not my calling, it's not my career, it's a job for now. That's it, that's all." like 100% and then some. Can I get a 'what what' for State Farm?! Dudette, 3 years in the making of an office career I hate. Keep on truckin though. Maybe blogging will work out for me! ;)
ReplyDeleteI am forever in the debt of Romy and Michelle for the post-it. Love those girls!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, the insurance office job. I've been there for less than a year and sometimes feel like it's tugging at my soul. I CANNOT fathom three years, you are truly a soldier.